Should You Continue Investing in Index Fund?

Not too long ago, Michael Burry began talking of the “Index Fund Bubble” that he believes would burst soon. For those of you asking yourself who Michael Burry is, and why do people listen to him, here is a little background on him. Michael Burry famously called the housing collapse and resulting recession in 2009. … Read more Should You Continue Investing in Index Fund?

Can Anyone become a Stock Market Millionaire?

The answer is YES, and the approach is rather simple. Just invest in an index fund such as S&P500 index by Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) approach! So for you to get some idea, S&P500 since its inception until today would be approximately 10%. But we have to factor in the inflation, so let's just assume a conservative … Read more Can Anyone become a Stock Market Millionaire?

Are you a novice in Mutual Funds?

If your answer is YES. Then I hope this post will give you some perspective on mutual funds.  Mutual funds are commonly referred as actively managed funds, and managed by fund managers. While an investor would normally look at a mutual fund based on it's past performance and risks, the fund performance might look very attractive, yielding … Read more Are you a novice in Mutual Funds?