Someday you would wish to quit your job and start your own business, or further pursuing post-graduate, or even travel around the world. If you don't plan for these things, chances are they'll just remain as dreams. You will never have the right resources to go about achieving them.
The difference between someone who plans and someone who doesn't is that the one who plans sets it into action, whilst the one who doesn't, just talks. You've met these people, right? They keep having little cries in their lives, which they claim to prevent them from doing what they want. So it is the time for you to take control of your life, no more delay and waiting, as Procrastination is the thief of time, yes tick tock, tick tock.
List the things you want to do. Find out how much they cost, and embark on a mission towards achieving them, believe me, or not, you will find all your resources along the journey, they will come to you automatically, that's the Law of nature!
When your mind is focused this way, you start to be aware of every dollar that you spend and earn. Does it help you achieve your goals? You will have better control of your money, and no more “left with very little at the end of every month, and wondering where it all went” moment!
Financial Independence is not retirement
Can you imagine a time when you are no more a slave to money? When can you do anything you want at any time that you want? The time when you no longer have to work but have enough money not to worry about the major expenses in life, we call that Financial Independence.
It's different from retirement. You may still continue to work if you enjoy it. But you have the resources to stop working anytime should you wish to.
Financial Independence is different for everybody. It really depends on your lifestyle needs. If you can be happy with small flat, you are likely to reach your Financial Independence sooner than if you have to live in a landed property.
Financial Independence doesn't just happen. You have to plan for it. Those who do tend to achieve it sooner than those who don't!