Now is the time to Re-evaluate Your Finances

The times are hard, the economy has changed – in favor of some, while some people are on the worse side. Times have changed, and so many people are in the worst financial crisis of their lifetime, and it might not get any better soon, certainly not if people don’t get the right orientation for … Read more Now is the time to Re-evaluate Your Finances

Why You Are Missing the Once-in-a-lifetime Investment Opportunity?

In this article, I will show you 3 simple illustrations of investments spanning across different periods, I would like to show you some investment opportunities you may be missing. Graph #1: (January 1981 – January 2001) When economists said that gold is one of the worst investments, they were right. If you were to invest … Read more Why You Are Missing the Once-in-a-lifetime Investment Opportunity?

Making Sence of Your Money

Inflation is a poorly understood phenomenon. It had been around for as long as goods and services have been traded. “Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair.” – Sam Eving Do you know that $1 in 1970 is worth $6.5 … Read more Making Sence of Your Money

The Worst is yet to come!

2020 is a tough year, over the past weeks, they are growing cases of COVID-19 worldwide outside China, and then stock markets in turmoil as oil price crashes. Many had been thinking: “Should I sell?” “Will it rebounds?” “What if it goes down more?” In the end, one’s indecision leads to inaction. Here’s something in … Read more The Worst is yet to come!

Pay Off Debt the Smart Way

There are two popular ways to tackle debt: the avalanche method and the snowball method. Using the first, you prioritize paying down the debts with the highest interest rates. Using the second, you focus on knocking out the smallest debts to get the momentum going. Here’s a cheat sheet created to do just that, you … Read more Pay Off Debt the Smart Way